Mike Does Art!

Mike Does Art!

Sneak Peek – Ba’an

Ba’an (pronounced like ‘shawn’) is primarily a pacifist, thrust into a fight for his life in the wilds of Suurynti, utterly unprepared for the many evils that await him… Ba’an is one of the protagonists of the exciting new fantasy-adventure…

Boxcar Burners!

Three trains cars featured prominently in last year’s D-RAILED art show have made their rounds and are back in my studio. I had an absolute blast with this project and hope everyone enjoys the detailed weathering on the cars as…

The Duel

From R.R. Rubin’s Flash Fiction piece ‘The Duel’, featured in the award winning “Creator Connections: Panel One Anthology”, available for FREE here! Illustrations, Inks, Colors and character interpretations by Me.